Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spaced out circuit bent Barbie Keyboard!

BARBIE?! (lol sorry!)
yes, that's right, I got myself a barbie keyboard!

So I frequent this place off interstate 35 that shall remain nameless, they have lots of good toys there to bend. Usually the price is right, and when i saw this keyboard for 1.99 i jumped on it! It was pretty cool as it was, it has cool drum beats, cool instruments, a pretty generic set of demo songs but a nifty record/playback feature. All and all not a bad grab for two bucks! See that brown tray? Having one of these trays makes it sooo easy to keep track of all your parts especially if you wanna sit in a more comfortable place than the lab! You could probably find one at a goodwill or someplace like that... people donate all kinds of stuff you can re-use!

check it out, this is where i wired all the stuff, you wont see it here but the center wire goes to a switch that turns on and off the pot.

look at the photo above^
The center of the pot goes to the red wire attached to the resistor in the top right of this photo
The one attached to the trimpot goes to one of the outside lugs.
Both of the wires in the photo above go to either outside terminal of the pot. See the trimpot again? One side makes the pitch lower gradually the other side raises the pitch then drops it quickly. Its interesting. 
I decided to paint it, As you can see im a big fan of splattering paint around!
Usually when i paint my projects i use that special kind of paint that bonds to plastics. When i need to paint buttons, i stick toothpicks through the cardboard of a soda box still in its box form. It makes for a nice little stand to paint on. Be sure to wear some kind of protective gear on your eyes! I wear glasses and spraypaint is really a pain to get off lenses. Maybe some goggles would do? Also, its always a good idea to paint outside... With some kind of rag on your face so you arent breathing in paint droplets..... 

I brought it inside to dry, probably not the smartest thing to do, but hey, live life on the edge.

This is it complete! Painting projects can really enrich the overall quality of the piece.
Wanna see it in action? Check it out here! GO BARBIE!

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